Saturday, October 18, 2014


In an earlier post, I discussed how narcissistic mothers often select one of their children as the family scapegoat and all of the blame for issues or problems fall on that child. I also discussed triangular communication, a tactic narcissistic mothers use to maintain control over communication between members of her family. Another tactic frequently used by narcissistic mothers is the smear campaign. From my own personal experiences, the smear campaign is used by a narcissistic parent to discredit, isolate, and invalidate the target of the campaign. Smear campaigns involve gossip and often times flat out lies spread by the narcissistic mother. My mother-in-law was so devious in her smear campaigns that she often wrapped her campaign in artificial concern for my husband and I. I was privy to some of the things she said after having conversations with another family member. Why do narcissistic mothers do this? Smear campaigns can occur for several reasons:
  • You disagree with or challenge the narcissistic mother
  • They are jealous of you (a common trait among narcissists)
  • She doesn't like that you're independent and pulling away from her nuclear family
  • You're on to her toxic ways, you're vocal about it, and she wants to discredit you 
  • She wants to turn other people in the family against you
In addition to artificial concern, one other devious tactic used by narcissistic mothers in their smear campaigns is mixing in a bit of truth along with their slander. Because it's already hard to believe that "dear old mother" would make up stories or flat out lie on her own children, adding in a little bit of truth along with her lies is especially wicked.

Narcissistic mothers utilize triangular communication to propagate their smear campaigns. I have witnessed firsthand the damage it can do to family members. In my case, my mother-in-law used the smear campaign to discredit, isolate, and invalidate my husband and I. When my husband and I finally realized what was going on, he attempted to speak with his brother about it. My mother-in-law had so fully engulfed my brother-in-law in the smear campaign against my husband and I that he simply refused to believe or acknowledge my husband's perspective. My husband's sister (the golden child) was even worse. She became enraged and accused my husband of being ungrateful and accused me of attempting to destroy her family. Their reactions made it clear that my mother-in-law's smear campaign was indeed a success.


  1. Never ever read anything so true to life!

  2. I really needed this. I relate to every single word. Thank you for articulating this to perfectly.

  3. I can identify with this article. Thank you for sharing. We are not alone in this madness of a world created by our mother in laws. They are sick, twisted, sad people, who are jealous of us and our marriage to their son.

  4. Totally my life. I could care less about the smear campaign. At first it bothered me and then my father, who is retired military and somewhat narcessistic reminded me, who cares what they think. I didn't raise you that way. Keep being you, it is not disrespectful to tell another adult you don't like their behavior, if they don't like it, that's their problem. Who cares what they think. It was a challenge getting my husband on point with this-that I was raised a certain way as well and that way was to call shit out that was a problem. It took therapy for him to realize that there is NOTHING wrong with telling someone how you feel in a calm manner. Disagreeing with your parents is not disrespectful.
